StrategIC Planning

Refine. Focus. Grow.

Connecting your mission and vision to the daily work can often seem like a challenge. Rosedale Green delivers a thorough, multi-stakeholder approach to strategic planning. Your result is an in-depth, multi-year plan articulating your vision and mission while assessing organizational readiness with quarterly work plans and regular deliverables.

How do we create and deliver on a vision in a rapidly changing world?

The world moves fast. Our organizations need to be clear about their unique value, establish a set of high-level goals, and identify milestones along the way, to move themselves from here to there. And then – they need to check in regularly, measure progress, understand what is happening in the field, and course-correct as needed. Strategy needs to be flexible, and Rosedale Green helps nonprofit organizations design a right-sized plan through a four-step, facilitated process.

Get Strategic!

We are ready to spark the next strategic discussion for your organization.
StrategIC Planning Process

Our 4 Step Strategic Planning Process

1. Launch

Rosedale Green meets the client where they are. We start the process with a deep-dive conversation to understand your organization’s culture and decision-making practices, your past strategic planning efforts (and what has – and hasn’t – worked), and work with you to design a winning Strategy Team to help lead this process.

2. Discovery

During Discovery, we conduct a review of your past and present work, and seek robust feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, all to inform your organization’s future goals and direction. At the end of Discovery, we convene the Strategy Team to review all of our findings, and identify a set of strategic questions to be answered throughout the Strategy Development phase.

3. Strategy Development

During Strategy Development, we facilitate a series of exploratory and decision-making conversations with the Strategy Team, to begin
drafting your organization’s plan. We start at the highest-altitude level, confirming Mission and Vision, and then scaffold down into a set of strategic pillars, goals and success measures, building a roadmap to move your organization toward success.

4. Implementation

A strategic plan isn’t worth much if you don’t have a realistic plan for implementation. Rosedale Green works with our clients to develop a right-sized framework to scaffold the strategic plan into a set of annual workplans, with goals, quarterly success measures, and a reporting structure to review and respond to progress.

A strategic plan should be aspirational, yet realistic, creating a shared vision of success for all who touch your organization.